Hi Michelle,
I was planning to write you long time ago. I want to say thank you for helping Ali to overcome his writers block. I will attach his beautiful poem , that he wrote last year.
Also he received letter from Her Majesty , in response to the Letter that you encourage Ali to write. He feels so proud .
Also now the news from our school:
Dear Parents,
Your child, Ali Nariman, has been identified as a potential candidate for AAS’s Gifted/Talented Program. This program is currently in development in the Elementary School. As the Elementary division moves through the Gifted/Talented identification process, we do encourage, believe in, and value parent input into this process..
So Michelle thank very much for tutoring Ali. We have been very lucky that we found you and Vere in our and especially Ali's life!
Here is Ali's poem from last year.
The Tiny Teacher
There was a Tiny Teacher,
Who owned a Tiny School,
Would go her alarm clock,
Each day at noon,
The school was open,
From noon to moon,
The school was really interesting,
But sometimes really cruel,
Then at moon,
She would watch a cartoon,
She would ask Jerome,
To take her back home.
By Ali Nariman
Freezing Minus One
Feel the crispy, fluffy snow under your fingertips,
Hear the siren
Of an ambulance,
Which was as loud as an aeroplane landing,
Taking someone out of hospital,
So they
Can play
Smell the fresh,
But don’t forget
Your snow gear,
It’s freezing minus one.
By Ali Nariman
He wrote this when he was 9 years old.
Thank you Michelle,
With lots of love.
Oksana, Ali and the Co.
A few reading tips:
Whilst reading engenders a variety of skills necessary for critical language analysis, comprehension and varied writing techniques - it develops concentration, cognitive processing and the ability to become a coherent, lucid thinker.
Never stop reading to children on a daily/weekly basis, regardless of age
Reading should be done in a relaxed manner
Set the example and read your own books/newspapers in front of children
Subscribe to First News/leave the Sunday papers for children to look at throughout the week (visual literacy- looking at pictures and discussing them are equally important)
Story tapes and story CD’s at night work well
Enable children to find their own media and genres of choice - choice empowers learners
Encourage discovery, choice and a range of levels for reading rather than prescribing limited options
Children’s National Geographic, Aquila, sports/culture/music magazines are a treat!
For further reference see www.lovereading4kids.co.uk
Great news from Kingswood House Mum: my son got 6A's for his Common Entrance.
I thought he had the wrong report - I cannot thank you enough!